・Eligibility: Students currently enrolled in high school, vocational school, junior college, university and graduate school
・The student discount (¥800/$8 per month) applies to a Premium digital subscription, which costs ¥3,000/$30 per month.
・The student discount is valid for up to 24 months.
- You may cancel after the first month of your subscription. Upon cancellation, billing will stop from the next payment cycle.
- Please contact customer service at least five business days before your next renewal and billing date. Your renewal and billing date can be confirmed in your account.
*1 From the 25th month onward, you will be charged the regular individual Premium subscription rate (¥3,000/$30 per month). If you do not wish to continue your subscription, please cancel before the 25th-month renewal and billing date. (How to cancel.)
Click here for the application procedure